The Top reasons for Divorce


Lack of commitment, financial challenges, and infidelity are some of the leading causes of divorce in the world. But your age and culture may change it all. 

Relationship survival usually requires a blend of open communication, intimacy, and empathy. When any of these characteristics are missing or start to fade, the romantic bond between two people may weaken. 

Couples may decide to divorce for many reasons. From incompatibility of lifestyles to dishonest behavior. However, researchers have found that some reasons for divorce seem to be more common across cultures and generations. 

Leading causes of divorce 

Lack of commitment (73.2%) 

A diminished desire to put effort into making your relationship work can look like poor communication, lack of compromise, or the absence of everyday kindness.

Too much arguing and conflict (55%)

“Constant fighting can signify that you’re not compatible or have irreconcilable differences,”

Endless arguments and poor conflict resolution may take a toll on the relationship and lead couples to divorce. 

Infidelity (54.6%)

“Infidelity can lead to feelings of betrayal, anger, and resentment, which can destroy a relationship,”

Effects of infidelity may include anxiety, depression, trauma, trust challenges, shame, guilt, and social withdrawal.

 Marrying too young (45.7%)

When you marry at a young age, you may still be developing key aspects of your personality. Signs that you may be growing apart from your spouse may include an absence of shared interests, having different life goals, and feelings of isolation or loneliness.

Unrealistic expectations (45.3%)

Unrealistic expectations about how the household will run, where you will live, and how you will be treated as a spouse are one of the top reasons for divorce. Assuming “things will be better after you’re married” may be a warning sign of unrealistic expectations placed on the marriage.


Lack of equality (43.7%)

Early signs of inequality in a marriage might include double standards or having one partner make all the decisions. If you feel pigeonholed into a gender stereotype in marriage that may be another sign of inequality.

Inadequate preparation (41.1%)

Little to no pre-marriage preparation can make cohabitation overwhelming. Having a hard time living with your spouse is a leading cause of divorce.

Signs of inadequate preparation may include underdeveloped skills in home maintenance, household routines, or finance management.

Lack of preparation may also mean skipping conversations about long-term marriage goals related to children, careers, spouse roles, and preferred lifestyles.

Domestic violence (29.1%)

Domestic violence can be any pattern of abusive behavior in an intimate relationship that’s used to maintain power or control.

Domestic violence isn’t only about physical assault. Common signs of an abusive relationship may include persistent blaming, intimidation, manipulation, and social isolation.

Financial problems (28.4%)

Having a hard time making ends meet or having a partner who overextends spending may cause stress in a marriage.

If you’re always being asked for money, it may be a sign your partner finds financial responsibility a challenge.

Unresolved financial challenges are one of the top reasons for divorce.

Conflict about domestic work (21.6%)

Unequal distribution of household chores and childcare responsibilities may translate into conflict and resentment for one or both partners.

Feeling your spouse takes you for granted or that you can’t rely on them for support may lead many couples to divorce.


Lack of family support (18.7%)

If your family doesn’t agree with your marriage or your partner, the rift you feel may contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as a sense of grief for the lost connections.

Your family may exclude your partner, put them down, or encourage you to “keep your options open.”

Both you and your partner may find this pressure difficult to manage, which could cause you to consider divorce as an option.

Let’s recap 

Infidelity, arguing, infertility, and lack of commitment are some of the top reasons for divorce in the world. There’s usually more than one cause of divorce, though. 

Most divorce reasons are preventable, though, when both partners are in love and willing to spend time and energy in solving the differences.


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